
About ECO BUILDING online learning platform
ACTeco is a project but also a European cooperation of Associations and Organisations,
dealing with Earth Building, Straw Bale Building and Training for Change (responsible for the content of the courses and Vocational Training)
with partners from Schools and the Educational System (to integrate lessons also in Schools).
All partners will try to spread the ideas and techniques of ECO-BUILDING to a larger audience,
wheather this are pupils or grandparents, craftsmen or self-builders, trainers or trainees.
Courses, Registering and Login

www.acteco.eu offers OPEN courses, which you can do without registering. Just to test a course or to experience if the topic is interesting for you.
Instead of a grading you will find several quizzes where you can get points, when you get the answers right. But as soon as you leave the platform, all your results are gone.
You can also find FREE courses for which you have to register (for free) via the MyAccount button (1). Just give yourself a name and a password. In My Account you will find all the available (open and free) courses, how many you have already completed, how many certificates you have and how many points you have earned (2). If you enter a course, you see the structure (Lessons, Topics, Quizzes) on the left sidebar and the content, you are working in, on the right side (3). You will get some tasks (assignments) to do in the courses, which will be approved and graded). The advantage is, that once you are registered, all your results are stored on the Learndash-Platform.
Finally, there are long ADVANCED courses, offered by ActEco-partners like asbn, ArTUR or AsTERRE with trainer evaluation. For these courses you have to register by Email directly with these organisations. You will get a Username and Password to login.
About ACTeco Partners

ArTUR (Lead Partner)
Hrubý Šúr 237, 90301 Senec, Slovakia
asbn – Austrian strawbale network,
3720 Ravelsbach, Baierdorf 6, Austria,
700 Rue de la Pierre d ́Etat – 76650, Petit-Couronne – France, www.asterre.org
Sdružení hlineného stavitelství z.s.
Poříčí 5, 63900 Brno Czech rep., www.hlina.info
Bellova 54/A, 83663 Bratislava, Slovakia
SOŠ Služieb a Lesníctva
Kolpašská 1586/9, 969 56 Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, www.sosos.edupage.org

About Our Story
In Autumn 2019 the ACTeco was granted and funded as Erasmus+ project. Zuzana Kierulfova from Slovakian Earth and Straw Building Association ArTUR inititiated this Online-Learning project, Vocational school in Slovakia as well as international Organisations are partners. Goal is to establish an Eco-Building Platform for ONLINE Learing in Europe.
Herbert Gruber, chairman of ASBN – austrian strawbale network is trainer for Straw Bale Building, offers the complete STEP-program (8 Units) in English and German and is – as graphic designer – responsible for this website and establishing the courses in Learndash – our LMS (Learning Management System).
Learn from our experienced trainers:

Main outcomes of the project ACT eco:
- Creating educational platform ACT eco and in the topics of: Sustainable building , Straw bale building and Earth building to create and offer:
- attractive online short course for free (as starter), accessible for all different target groups,
- theory for ECVET courses (MOU STEP, Earth Building, JUMP!)
- collection of resources
Other activities of the project ACT eco:
- 2 training events in 2021 in Slovakia and in Austria
- 4 transnational meetings
- 3 newsletters
- 4 multiplication events (in each project partner country)
- enhancing cooperation and awareness
Newsletter 1 - reflecting on transnational meeting in Slovakia

Newsletter 1.5 - reflecting on online transnational meeting virtually in Czech Republic (12.-14.5.2020)

Newsletter 2. - reflecting on transnational meeting in Czech Republic (17.9.2020)