online learning platform
This site is the official site for the Erasmus+ project ActEco 2019-2022
(see disclaimer in the footer).
Earth Building
Online Courses about Clay, Earth, Cob, Adobe, Mud, Rammed Earth, Earthen Floors, Plasters, Renders, Finishes...
Strawbale Building
Online Courses about Loadbearing, Infill in Post & Beam or Hybrid (CUT, OrganiCut, Greb,...), Wrapping
Sustainability & Training
Online Courses about how to make a Sustainable Change in Life, School and Training
There are OPEN COURSES (without registering), short FREE COURSES (to register, with trainer-evaluation) and more in depth ADVANCED COURSES (with trainer-evaluation, to register and finish previous courses before) on this ACTeco platform. See more in “About” how to register or login.

EARTH – 9 Lessons (Introduction)
ACTeco course with 9 introduction lessons with basic infomation and beautiful examples of Earth building techniques: earth architecture, rammed earth, masonry, cob, earth plasters and decorations, as well as interior design.

EARTH 01 – Physics of Earth (Introduction)
ACTeco, 20 to 30 minute course is an introduction to the physics of earth. On the sand and clay grain scale, discover "how it stands".

EARTH 02 – Earthen Architecture (Introduction)
ACTeco 20 minutes course, is an introduction to earthen architecture. It will enable you to discover some historical and contemporary buildings built in earth.

EARTH 03 – Earth Masonry (Introduction)
ACTeco 10-minute course shows how and why it is good to use earth bricks in new buildings. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 04 – Cob (Introduction)
ACTeco 10-minute course will introduce you to the principle of cob technique, its properties and will show examples of cob houses. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 05 – Rammed Earth (Introduction)
ACTeco 10-minute course about rammed earth will show you examples of modern buildings, how a rammed wall is made and what the trends are. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 06 – Earth Plaster (Introduction)
ACTeco 10 minute course about basics of earth plaster, nice examples and what its advantages and disadvantages are. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 07 – Interior Design (Introduction)
ACTeco 10 minute course shows how to think about colours and surfaces of earth plasters in the interior to achieve desired feeling. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 08 – Decorative Techniques (Introduction)
ACTeco 10-minute course shows wonderfull decorations in the world cultures and possibilities of earth decorations in modern houses. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 09 – Production (Introduction)
ACTeco 15 min course briefly shows 3 main different ways to produce earth blocks: handmade adobe, pressed bricks and extruded bricks.

EARTH BUILDING – 10 Lessons (Level 2)
ACTeco course consists of 10 different Lessons 45 min long: Earth Material, Earth Constructions, Rammed Earth, Cob, Masonry, Earth Plaster, Earth Design and Decorations, Renovation and Production.

EARTH BUILDING 01 – Material (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course teaches why earth is suitable for building purposes, which basic qualities it has and how to use field tests. Did you know that for each building technique you need a different mixture?

EARTH BUILDING 02 – Earthen Construction Techniques (Level 2)
ACTeco 20-minute course briefly introduces the different earthen construction techniques. Find out what is behind the words: adobe, rammed earth, cob, daub, etc.

EARTH BUILDING 03 – Earth Masonry (Level 2)
ACTeco 45-minute course shows history vs. today's use of earth masonry, types of masonry, bonding, working process, surfaces of brick walls, vaults and domes. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 04 – Cob (Level 2)
ACTeco 45-minute course shows traditional and contemporary methods of cob, preparation of cob mix and building of the wall. Discover creative designs and properties of cob! (Learn Earth based on ECVET - knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 05 – Rammed Earth (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course teaches about new and traditional use, what raw materials and mixture for rammed earth to use. The course also shows formwork, process of ramming and development trends. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 06 – Earth Plaster (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course about composition of earth plaster, preparation of mortar, layers of plaster, surface treatment and properties. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 07 – Interior Design (Level 2)
ACTeco 45-minute course shows theory of colours connected to earth, the possibilities of textures and factures of earth plaster and gives basic insight into Interior design. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 08 – Decorative Techniques (Level 2)
ACTeco 45-minute course shows decorations of different cultures, different colours of the earth and various decorations by earth building techniques and earth plastering. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 09 – Production (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course shows differences of brick productions, goes into more detail in producing compressed bricks and adobe. Briefly describes quality control.

EARTH BUILDING 10 – Repairs and Maintenance
ACTeco 45 min. course shows typical failures of earth construction and their causes. Suggests ways of possible repairs, explains what the survey is and show examples of renovated houses.

ONLINE COURSE: How to make it successful
ACTeco course: How to make a successful ONLINE COURSE with WordPress, Zoom and Learndash

Content: History and Modern Straw Bale Building, Customizing & Handling: quality, orientation, measuring, shaping, dividing, rebinding, cutting and notching bales, density, moisture, tools for straw bale building and storage of bales.

Content: handling tools, plan & construct INFILL double post walls, HYBRID constructions (CUT, OrganiCUT, GREB), execute different infill construction methods, know about PREFAB straw bale elements and advantages and disadvantages of the different techniques.

STEP U3: Load Bearing Straw Bale Construction
Content: Ioad bearing construction methods, resizing, compressing and fixing bales, construction of window boxes, base- and top plates, connection to roofs and ceilings, selecting good quality straw bales, structural behaviour, innovative examples of load bearing construction.

STEP U4: Straw Bale Wrapping & Renovation
Content: checking existing constructions, different wrapping and insulation methods (full bale with hybrid construction, binding, compressing; straw flakes with battens, planks, pallets, boards; prefab), finishing, inside insulation

STEP U5: Finishes – Clay, Lime, Cladding
Content: tools and machines for rendering and cladding, prepare the plaster base, plaster/render mixture (clay, lime), wall and supporting constructions for cladding, cladding systems, airtight, wind and rain proof details, calculating rendering and cladding quantities.

STEP U6: Building Physics
Content: Heat Transfer, Fire Protection, Moisture Transfer and Sound Insulation as well as Healthy Room Climates, Energy Efficiency and common mistakes and solutions in connection with Thermal Bridges, the lack of Airtightness and Windproofness. We show Energy Standards in different countries and how to achieve the standards in Straw Bale Building.

STEP U7: Architecture and Planning of Straw Bale Buildings
Content: principles of solar design, national building laws, building materials, cost estimation, technical details, sketching a basic design and a construction plan, understand and repair most common faults and damages in straw bale construction

STEP U8: Communication and Calculation
Content: how to communicate with your clients, how to estimate the building costs and make a detailed calculation. We also show essential (free and easy to learn) recommended programs for publishing/marketing: image + text, a slideshow, a video.

STRAW – 4 Lessons (Introduction)
4 short ACTeco Introduction courses in Straw Bale Building - straw bales as building material, straw bale Infill, load bearing straw bale and Wrapping with straw bales (external insulation).

STRAW 01 Intro – Straw Bales as Building Material
10 min. ACTeco course introducing straw building, showing straw as building material and showing oldest and newest houses in Europe.

STRAW 02 Intro – Straw Bale Infill Constructions
ACTeco 10 min. course introduces basics for infill technique with straw bales and tools, which are used.

STRAW 03 Intro – Load Bearing Straw Bales
The 10 min. ACTeco-course introduces basics for load bearing straw bale technique, how to handle the bales and compress the wall.

STRAW 04 Intro – Wrapping with Straw Bales
The 10 min. ACTeco-course introduces basic methods of wrapping with bales and prefabricated straw elements.

Straw Bale Maze: how to build
Straw bale mazes are popular with kids and adults. But there are some rules to be followed to build a safe maze and have fun too.

STRAW BUILDING – 8 Lessons (Level 2)
ACTeco Courses: The 8 lessons explain Straw Bale Building starting with the Material, Infill Systems, Load Bearing Techniques, Wrapping, Plasters and Claddings, Building Physics, Planning and Calculation. Level 2 (Level 3/4: see STEP Training, Level 1: see INTRO courses).

STRAW BUILDING 01 – Straw Bales as sustainable Building Material (Level 2)
ACTeco Course: The 45 min Lesson shows examples of Straw Bale Buildings, Customizing & Handling of Straw Bales, Tools for Straw Bale Building and Storage of Bales.

STRAW BUILDING 02 – Infill and Prefab Straw Bale Constructions (Level 2)
ACTeco Course: The 45 min lesson explains how to insulate with straw bales in post&beam constructions (Infill), shows different techniques and typical and special constructions of infill as well as the tools.

STRAW BUILDING 03 – Load Bearing Construction (Level 2)
ACTeco Course: The 45 min lesson shows basic features of the loadbearing straw bale technique, and gives an idea of different details and methods of loadbearing techniques.

STRAW BUILDING 04 – Wrapping – External Thermal Insulation with Straw (Level 2)
ACTeco Course: The 45 min lesson shows basic features of external insulation with straw bales, prefab elements and straw flakes.

STRAW BUILDING 05 – Natural Finishes with Earth, Lime and Cladding (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 min course on how to plaster a straw bale wall with earth or lime plaster or finish it with a wooden cladding.

STRAW BUILDING 06 – Building Physics and Room Climate (Level 2)
This 45min ACTeco course explains the basics of building physics of a straw bale wall, explains heat and moisture transfer, fire resistance, shows fire tests but also describes inner room climate created by (earth plastered) straw bale walls.

STRAW BUILDING 07 – Concept of a Straw Bale House
This 45min ACTeco course explains the basics how to design straw walls/houses, how to make a construction plan and install the house technique (water, heating, electricity) in straw bale walls.

STRAW BUILDING 08 – Communication and Calculation (Level 2)
This 45min ACTeco course briefly shows which forms of communication we have, how to communicate with clients, describes rough estimation of building costs and gives some hints for improving the digital ways of communication (presentation).

Straw Panels & Prefabrication
This course is to train architects and builders to design and assemble straw bale houses using prefabricated straw wall panels.

SUSTAINABILITY – 6 Lessons (Level 2)
ACTeco course has 6 lessons, with basic information about Sustainability, Climate Change, Energy, How to Live Sustainably, Sustainable Building and Renovation.

SUSTAINABILITY – From Sustainability to Eco Building (Introduction)
ACTeco 20 to 30 minute course with a brief introduction to Sustainability Goals and sustainable building, focusing on ecobuilding.

SUSTAINABILITY 01 – Sense of Sustainability (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 min lesson shows meaning of sustainability and why is sustainability inevitable for human life on Earth. The ecological footprint is explained and Sustainable development goals are mentioned.

SUSTAINABILITY 02 – Climate Change (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course briefly explains how and why is the climate changing, what are effects and suggests some actions how to deal with change.

SUSTAINABILITY 03 – Energy (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 min course shows how much and what energy we use, introduces overview of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, their advantages and disadvantages, and future trends.

SUSTAINABILITY 04 – How to Live Sustainably (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course informs about personal ecological and carbon footprint, and shows the daily choices we can make. Suggests to make a personal plan of change the habbits.

SUSTAINABILITY 05 – Sustainable Building (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 min. course explains complexity of sustainable building, why building industry impacts climate change and what could be done to lower the impact.

SUSTAINABILITY 06 – Sustainable Renovation (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 min. course shows basics of sustainable renovation of traditional houses, why it is important and how it can be done.

Sustainable – Basics of Photovoltaics
An introduction to the application of photovoltaics in buildings. It shows how much solar energy is available and how much of it can be used and explains how different types of solar cells and solar modules are manufactured and what design options and advantages they offer in the building sector.

Sustainable – Basics of Thermal Solar and Solar Cooling
The technology of solar thermal energy can be used to heat water (or air). The functionality is explained, the components are described, different collector types, storage tanks and system types are compared. Including a closer look at Solar cooling.

Sustainable (Straw) House – a Case Study
ACTeco course shows a case study house. Building step by step of a sustainable, passive standard, family house. It is built with natural materials, low impact foundation, green roof, producing own energy.

Sustainable OffGrid Tiny House
Course about energy-independent "Off-Grid"-Houses, energy consumption, tiny house constructions and examples.

Tiny House and Climate Change
The course will consist of 9 lessons. On the concept of tiny house and its context, they show mitigation and adaptation measures and their application on big buildings. Lessons also follow a special case study of the project: Living Smart With Climate Change.

Training & (Online) Communication
ACTeco Advanced Course Communcation (techniques) for both online and real communication. We introduce the main tools (graphic, text, photo, video, sound) as well as tipps and tricks how to make your trainings more interactive with mostly free tools. And we introduce Learndash and WordPress.

Training for Change
ACTeco short course: Introduction to Training for Change -Sustainability.